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Have you ever wondered how high your Radio Controlled model could go?  Now you can find out.  Just install ZLog on your plane - be it a parkflyer, sailplane, hotliner, or 3D aerobatic.  At only 8 grams, your plane won't know it's there.  Instantly know how high your flight went with the onboard display.  You can also record the complete flight for analysis on your PC with the serial or USB interface.

Key Features (click to see complete specifications)

Read the ZLog Review in the July 2005 issue of Fly RC magazine:

Fly RC July 2005 Review

Read the ZLog Review in the LiftZone online:

LiftZone Review

Check out the ZLog discussions on RC Groups:

Here's How High I Flew Today - Part I
Here's How High I Flew Today - Part II

Also see the manual online for complete details:

ZLog Manual (pdf)

Contact us with any questions.  

  ZLog MOD3 Recording

with 32K memory

 Latest ZLog Install Files

ZLog Support Files

ZLog requires the USB Adapter interface
to download and view data on the PC
USB Interface

History of ZLog models

Third-Party Accessories


Check out the new video overlay device from DPC Video Products!  Vizion provides a live display of battery voltage, current, amateur radio callsign and flight time.  By plugging in a ZLog altimeter, Vizion also displays real-time aircraft altitude.

Vizion Web Page




ZLog for Palm

An optional third-party Palm Pilot application is available. Interfaces with the ZLog to download and review your altitude data at the field using your Palm handheld device!

Palm ZLog Application

ZLog for Linux

Perl script for Linux - allows you to download and graph ZLog data in Linux.
(Thanks Craig Lamparter!)


ZLog for Mac

ZLogX, a Mac-OS version of the application, is available in beta.


Also check out the PRISM switch for Aerial Photography!