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Here's the latest installation files for ZLog:

Previous documents, applications, and ZLog firmware

Component  Version Date Notes Download
right-click and "Save Target As"
Manual Latest 2007-01-08 For MOD4 ZLogMOD4-1.pdf
Manual Mod3  2005-11-13 For MOD3 ZLogManual.pdf
Manual 2.8 2004-05-19 For version 2.8 ZLog (MOD2) and software. ZLogManual.2.8.pdf
PC Application 2008-07-17 Modified comport list to only display active ports. ZLog.4.2.6.exe
PC Application 2008-05-21 Fixes bug in display data with an offset. ZLog.4.2.4.exe
PC Application 2008-01-12 Fixes bug with trigger list export.  Fixes offset data button. ZLog.4.2.1.exe
PC Application 2007-06-30 Adds support for F5J versions of ZLog. ZLog.4.2.0.exe
PC Application 2007-02-10 This version combines the fixes in versions and  Now has a checkbox to select fixed size or sizeable window.  If your buttons don't show up, uncheck the "Sizeable Window" check box on the "Connect" tab and restart the program. ZLog.4.1.4.exe
PC Application 2006-10-02 Fixed problem where application would crash on Toshiba laptops with built-in bluetooth (Toshiba lists dozens of instances of bluetooth serial ports). ZLog.4.1.3.exe
PC Application 2006-09-13 Made window non-resizable due to a problem on some XP laptops where the buttons would not show up. ZLog.4.1.2.exe
PC Application 2006-07-17 Added a checkbox to help with firmware update in some cases.

Requires Firmware version 3.2+.

PC Application 4.1 2006-05-11 Fixed a bug in firmware update.

Requires Firmware version 3.2+.

PC Application 4.0 2006-05-09 Fixed some bugs that caused "divide by zero" or "list out bounds" errors.  Made window resizeable.  Changed comm port list to include port descriptions.  Fixed timing issue that caused some data sets to download incorrectly.

Requires Firmware version 3.2+.

PC Application 3.2 beta 2006-04-30 Added control to change the interface baud rate.

Requires Firmware version 3.2+.

PC Application 3.0 2005-11-13 Changed to support downloading and displaying multiple data sets on one plot.

Requires Firmware version 2.6+ (install PC app first, then update firmware).

PC Application 2.8  2004-11-16 Fixed bug where trigger marks were getting misaligned after crop and drift adjust.

Requires Firmware version 2.6+ (install PC app first, then update firmware).

PC Application 2.7  2004-11-04 Fixed bug where trigger marks wouldn't plot correctly

Requires Firmware version 2.6+ (install PC app first, then update firmware).

PC Application 2.6 (beta)  2004-09-15 Added new plot controls and functions
- pan, zoom, crop
- climb rate and peak annotation
- pressure drift adjust
- offset adjust
support for larger module memory

Requires Firmware version 2.6 (install PC app first, then update firmware).

PC Application 2.5  2004-09-01 Modified timing - now ranges from 0.1 seconds/sample to 1 hour/sample. Fixed total time display in PC app.

Requires Firmware version 2.5.

PC Application 2.4  2004-08-25 Simplified firmware update function. Now recalls export file type.

Requires Firmware version 2.4.

PC Application 2.2  2004-06-29 Fixed bug in download where the plot line would disappear and there would be additional garbage data at the end of the plot.

Requires Firmware version 2.1.

PC Application 2.1  2004-05-28 Changed auto start and auto stop range from 255 seconds to 65535 seconds.

Requires Firmware version 2.1.

PC Application 2.0  2004-05-19 Added Autostart, Autostop, Autozero to config.  Add data and rate of climb status display.  Added data point tracking.  Added mouse-drag plot zoom.  Modified trigger point tagging algorithm for 1 foot resolution when recording photos.  Minor bug fixes.

Requires Firmware version 2.0.

PC Application 1.7.1  2004-04-14 Updated camera interface mode. Now records periodically and tags triggered points. Added button to export photo-altitude data file.  ZLog.1.7.exe
PC Application 1.5  2004-03-23 Added code to eliminiate divide-by-zero messages with flat data.  ZLog.1.5.exe
WARNING: only load firmware for your hardware version (i.e. MOD1, MOD2, MOD3, MOD4).  For example, do not load MOD4 firmware into a MOD2 hardware.  This will render your ZLog inoperable.  If you're not sure what you have, look at the different ZLog models here.

MOD4 hardware only works with MOD4 firmware.
MOD3 hardware only works with MOD3 firmware.
MOD2 hardware only works with MOD2 firmware.
MOD1 hardware only works with MOD1 firmware.

Firmware Update 4.4 2008-04-20 Z-F5J version only zf5j-MOD4-v4.4.hex
Firmware Update 4.2 2007-06-23 Z-F5J version only zf5j-MOD4-v4.2.hex
Firmware Update 4.2 2007-06-23

MOD4 only.  Bug fix - version 4.1 had a bug that would sometimes not allow the PC to configure the ZLog module.

Firmware Update 3.4 2006-11-21 MOD4 only.  First release.  Same functionality as MOD3 v3.4. zlog-MOD4-v3.4.hex
Firmware Update 3.4 2006-02-14 MOD3 only. Added support for the Vizion On Screen Display module.

Requires PC Application version 2.8 or higher.

Firmware Update 3.4 2006-06-21 MOD2 only. Added support for the Vizion On Screen Display module.

Requires PC Application version 2.8 or higher.

Firmware Update 3.2 2006-01-07 MOD3 only. Fixed bug in timing at fastest rate that causes it to run slow by a few percent. Added config option for other baud rates (for use when interfacing ZLog with other hardware).

When upgrading to 3.2, the ZLog module may default to 2400 baud. You'll need to configure the ZLog module to 115200 baud to communicate with your PC application. Do this by pressing S1 while powering up the ZLog until "Cfg" appears on the display, then press S1 until "bAud" is displayed. Then press S2 until "1152" is selected. Press S1 a couple more times until "SAVE" is displayed. Press S2 to save the settings. Cycle power and the new baud rate will take affect.

Requires PC Application version 2.8 or higher.

Firmware Update 3.2 2006-02-04 MOD2 only. Added config option for other baud rates (for use when interfacing ZLog with other hardware).

When upgrading to 3.2, the ZLog module may default to 2400 baud. You'll need to configure the ZLog module to 115200 baud to communicate with your PC application. Do this by pressing S1 while powering up the ZLog until "Cfg" appears on the display, then press S1 until "bAud" is displayed. Then press S2 until "1152" is selected. Press S1 a couple more times until "SAVE" is displayed. Press S2 to save the settings. Cycle power and the new baud rate will take affect.

Requires PC Application version 2.8 or higher.


Firmware Update 2.8 2005-02-15 Fix problem where induced noise into the serial lines would cause the display to sporadically come on when blanked.

Requires PC Application version 2.6+ (install PC app first, then update firmware).

Firmware Update 2.7 2005-01-07 Modified log command to allow logging to serial port without recording.

Requires PC Application version 2.6+ (install PC app first, then update firmware).

Firmware Update 2.6 2004-09-15 Added support for larger module memory

Requires PC Application version 2.6+ (install PC app first, then update firmware). Note: you must reset your configuration to factory defaults in order for the new timing to work properly.

Firmware Update 2.5 2004-09-01 Modified timing - now ranges from 0.1 seconds/sample to 1 hour/sample.

Requires PC Application version 2.5.
You must also reset the Configuration to defaults for the new rate to work properly!

Firmware Update 2.4 2004-08-25 Simplified firmware update function.

Requires PC Application version 2.4.

Firmware Update 2.1 2004-05-25 Changed auto start and auto stop range from 255 seconds to 65535 seconds.

Requires PC Application version 2.1.

Firmware Update 2.0  2004-05-19 Added Autostart, Autostop, Autozero.  Modified trigger point tagging algorithm for 1 foot resolution when recording photos.

Requires PC Application version 2.0.

Firmware Update 1.9  2004-04-14 Updated camera interface mode. Now records periodically and tags triggered points.  zlog-v1.9.hex
Firmware Update 1.8  2004-03-24 Modified zero altitude function. Press S1+S2 to zero. Press again to reset back to absolute mode. Each press will toggle between zero and absolute altitude.  zlog-v1.8.hex
Firmware Update 1.7  2004-03-23 Fixed bug where setting config from PC and immediately recording without power cycling would record the first set of data with the old configuration. The next data set would record with proper settings.  zlog-v1.7.hex
Special Applications        
PC Application 3.4 Beta 2006-02-14 ZTrig - Version where ZLog triggers a camera automatically.  Triggers based on altitude intervals while ascending and descending with a helicopter.  This is used to do aerial photography jobs where you want to take a picture of the view from each floor of a proposed new high-rise.  This is beta software. ZTrig.3.4b.exe
Firmware Update 3.3x MOD3 only 2006-02-14 ZTrig-v3.3.hex

All files Copyright 2004, Hexpert Systems

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